Cannabis - A journey from India
When I moved to San Francisco eight years ago, I was intrigued to hear about a new trend sweeping the city: cannabis was becoming a fashionable commodity, with online sales transforming it into an emerging sensation. As marijuana consumption became increasingly popular, I found myself curious about its origins and cultural journey. So, I dove into extensive research and was surprised by what I discovered. Cannabis has deep roots in India, where it has been used for centuries, often associated with spiritual rituals and practices. The earliest references to cannabis in ancient India can be found in the sacred texts known as the Vedas, which date back to around 1500 to 500 BCE. In the Vedas, cannabis is referred to as “bhang.” It is mentioned as one of the five sacred plants, along with soma (a mysterious plant used in rituals), barley, darbha grass, and mudga (a type of bean). Bhang was revered for its psychoactive properties, which were believed to bring people closer to the divin...