Getting rid of your negative energies

As we grow old older a number of energies overlap our  beautiful and child like core.  

It is like when you walk a really long journey the dust collects on you.  

These energies are like layers on top of your free spirit and if  you  observe yourself you  

Will recognize this dust 


These could be layers of  

  • Self-doubt  

  • Under confidence 

  • Guilt  

  • Fear 

  • Confusion 


When we sleep with this dust we have a sleepless night and  when you live your life with these 

energies they manifest into you not being yourself and you having physical and mental health 



Hence it is important to observe yourself and cleanse your energies if not daily atleast weekly.  

The cleansing process is about observation of your energies and freeing yourself from the trap.

Understanding why you are feeling this way and how can you solve it and being honest to yourself  

during this solution process to release yourself of these negative energies.  


Eg. If you are feeling guilty understanding the reasons for being guilty.  




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