Should you teach your child classical Indian dance or let them freely experiment with dancing

I learnt dancing for 7 years of my life. I was a natural dancer and insisted my mother to take me to classes. I started off with a highly technical dance form. The language of instruction was english but the songs for dance were not in english and in an alternative language which i did not understand. I could never relate to them. I just learnt like you learn for rote. I was a great dancer but i left dancing. Here is why!

Here are the pros and cons of what i did. I will write the pros

1. What i learnt is a beautiful dance form enabling you to use every part of the body for expression - your eyes, legs, hands
2. I had a gang of kids to dance with motivating me tremendously sometimes to the level of competitiveness
3. The fact that i learnt the technique i am today able to dance on any music on any beat 

Here are the cons

1. What i learnt was a is a technique dance. There are strict rules of movement. You cannot let your body flow. I think dance should be so that the movement in space looks like poetry and be free
2. Today if you put any music on, my automatic moves are classical. Its almost impossible to unlearn them and let my body flow freely with the music
3. I never understood the meaning of what i was doing and hence I lost interest.  The language did not connect to me .
4. Abhinay comes late in life and technique dance try to  teach it too early. 

So this is my conclusion

Let your child move freely in the younger years. A freestyle dance form is always better than a technique based if your child is motivated to dance with the other kids. When the child does want to get enrolled in a technique based dance, eroll them in a dance whose language they would understand as it will be easy to do abhinay in a language you understand. Technique based dance should be taught in older years.


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