There is something marvellous about 30s

There is something marvellous about being in your 30s. Life is suddenly stabilised. You almost know where you are going and more importantly you are not pressured by peer pressure any more. Because you know yourself you take things slow - step by step and at your own body , mind and personal pace.
In 30s you are not reckless anymore as your body starts showing signs of aging . You are not as agile but active enough to pick up your energy to the next level .
In 30s you are not mature enough to have a head full of grey hair but your are mature enough to start contributing to the society at large.
In 30s you start getting wrinkles but you look just as great with some makeup on.
In 30s you are no more scrambling to create new friends but want to cherish and nurture the ones you have

There is something marvellous about 30s.


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